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Found 45046 results for any of the keywords alta california. Time 0.007 seconds.
This 1835 Decree Made the Pueblo of Los Angeles a Ciudad – And CaliforLos Angeles officially became the territorial capital of Alta California in 1835.
Tustin, California - WikipediaOn November 1, 1776, Mission San Juan Capistrano became the area's first permanent European settlement in Alta California, New Spain.
San Jose – WikipediaByen ble grunnlagt 29. november 1777 som et landbrukssenter og var den første permanente bosetningen innen den spanske kolonien Alta California.
San Diego - WikipediaThere are several new high-rises under construction, including two that exceed 400 feet (122 m) in height.
California Mission Background and History - California Mission GuideFrom 1769 to 1823, Spanish soldiers and monks built a total of 21 Missions and 5 Presidios (or military forts), stretching North from Mexico through California.
Santa Ana, California - WikipediaAfter the Mexican-American War ended in 1848, Alta California became part of the United States and American settlers arrived in this area. 13
Lynn H. Elliott - WelcomeThe website of Lynn Elliott. I am Emeritus Professor, English and Creative Writing at California State University, Chico and the author of Alta California, Another Child's Christmas in Wales, Uncle Franco's Birthday Suit
Settlement of Los AngelesAlmanac facts, information and trivia about Los Angeles County, its people, cities and communities.
لاس اينجلس - وڪيپيڊيا1821ع ۾ نئين اسپين (New Spain) جو بنياد رکيو ويو ۽ هي ننڍڙو شهر ميڪسيڪو جو حصو بنجي ويو. هن شهر کي الٽا ڪئليفورنيا (Alta California) جي گاديءَ جو هنڌ بنايو ويو. 14
San Jose, California - WikipediaThey say San José is going to become another Los Angeles. Believe me, I'm going to do everything in my power to make that come true.
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